My name is Alexandre and my surname is Moreira
I am 21 – twenty-one years old
I was born on 11-07-1986
I am Portuguese
I live in Pombal
My father’s name is Joaquim and my mother’s name is Maria
I have got 1 brother and 1 sister
I am a factory worker
I am thirty nine years old
I was born on
I am Portuguese
I live in Matos da Ranha
My father’s name is Manuel Mendes and my mother’s name is Silvina
I have got four brothers and one sister
I am the boss a contractor
I’m forty five years old
I was born on
I’m Portuguese
I’ live and Pombal
Father’s name is Manuel
Mother’s name
I’ve got nine brothers
I’m shop assistant
I’m forty one years old
I was born on
I’m Portuguese
I live in Pombal
My father’s name is Manuel
I have got three brothers and three sisters
I’m a baby sister
I was born on
I’m Portuguese
I live in Pombal
My father’s name is Joaquim Gaspar
I have got one brother and his name is Joaquim José Gaspar
I am school worker
My name is Lucette and my Surname Dieudonne
I am fifty-four years old
I was born on the 8th June 1953
I’m Portuguese
I live in Carnide
My father’s name is Marcel and my mother’s name is Louise
I have got four brothers and four sisters
I am unemployed
My name is Rita and my surname is Ferreira
I am forty-five years old
I was born on 18th November 1962
I am Portuguese
I live in Pombal
My father’s name is Manuel
My mother’s name is Idalina
I have got two brothers and two sisters
I am house wife
I’m twenty two yeors old
I was born on 23th july 1985
I’m portuguese
I live in Pombal
My father’s name is Jose and my mother’s name is Maria
I have got four brothers
I’m cashier
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